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Thursday, September 22, 2011


【 有些事不是我不在意、而是就算我在意、事情会改变吗?】


【 很多时候、脸上的笑容并不代表着一切 】

这句话也说的很对、我对你微笑着说‘我没关系’ 、其实是骗你的、我很有关系、我很伤心、心碎了、可是我宁愿自己受也不要告诉你、我受的委屈 . 

呵呵、想在这里大大声地说道 " 我 终 于 放 下 了 他

真的就是完全没有感觉的那种咧 @@ 谢谢、我再也不需要那么的痛苦了 (:

I feel happy . Finally i did it . I thought it was imposible for me to forget you . forget all the feelings . But now i realize . there is nothing imposible . its just that you wanna let it go or not . If he / she doesnt like you or love you . Mybe you should give up . not like u give up thn find another one . its just that if you keep dont letting it go . you're get hurt . I try it before . i hate the feeling . You wait and wait and wait . but end up NOTHING . not even a shit . So . Boy , let it go . everyday see you soooo emo . dont you knw alot of people are worried about you ?! 

Please do think before you do something . You're big enuf to think with ur brain . no need people to say you also knw wad to do ritght? karyao bahh . I belive one day you can let her go . doesnt worth it to wait someone who treats you like a dog or something . (: 

关心你才跟你说那么多、 如果你要听的话、那你自己保重、身为你的朋友、我希望我每一个朋友都是开心、 加油! 我支持你 :D

【 呼呼 超级的可爱的说 xD 】

哇哇哇哇哇、 今天很开心咧、 xD 放学过后跟朋友去喝茶、喝了茶就去看戏、过后才回来上网、哈哈哈哈哈、还有哦、我们在学校帮了我们整帮人取了名字咧 ____ The Brain Family xD

Yi Ning - Turkey brain x)

Tzi Rok - Monkey brain x)

Edeen - Chicken brain x)

Monica - Monster brain x)

Mei Fong - Tortise brain x)

Shawn - No brain x)

Zheng Yao - Donkey brain x)

Jim Yong - Tall tall brain x)

And ofcourse . ME - Fish brain xD 最小的脑就是我的 ------ 鱼脑 XD haha 

我爱我的朋友、 尤其是她 :D

谢谢支持 、 爱你们吖

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